We believe in Free Palestine and Am Israel Chai

Peace isn’t possible…but a solution is. We do not accept a destiny of conflict for profit. How’s it achieved is Jona’s mission.

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The Message


palestinian people
Prioritize the
future of the Palestinian people flourishing…

…over suffering for a dream that is no longer attainable

palestinian peace
Obstacles to peace are circumvented with innovative problem solving

When one door closes another opens. There has never been a more opportune moment to create a thriving future for Palestinians…status quo has lead to limited thinking

If peace isn’t possible, a better alternative does exist.

There is empty land that is rich in opportunity

finding peace
The Palestinian
people need a voice

When no one listens…we will

need a voice

The only initiative with an attainable resolve





Identify the individuals with the talent for the most critical undertaking of their lives. Candidates should be visionaries and know how to communicate it, a love for the Palestinian people, and be fluent in Arabic.



Experienced delegates establishing formative relationships with leadership and governmental bodies of sympathetic nations.



Aggregating resources from various channels to ensure efforts are able to endure proficiently.



We invite outlets and content creators to be voices for Jona Project’s efforts.

"There are leaders among you that will be brave enough to lead you to a new home. Where you can flourish and thrive."
Winston Churchill


Why should the Palestinians have to move if it’s their home?

Jona Project isn’t about who should have to move or who is right or wrong in this conflict. We are simply offering those that have no other choice an option for a safer and more prosperous future. Other refugee populations in the past have flourished in their new countries. The only people kept in permanent and perpetual refugee status are the modern day Palestinians and that must change. Those who want to escape should be allowed to pursue a more stable future.

Other countries will never take in refugees.

While historically there is resistance from any country to accepting large refugee populations, there has yet to be a refugee crisis on the globe that wasn’t resolved. Where there is a will, there will be a way. The only population by which a solution was deemed “impossible” has been the Palestinians. A very pragmatic solution is viable and we have analyzed demographic likeness along with population densities to determine where might be the best fits for both the refugees and the host countries.

What penalty will Israel pay?

This isn’t a tit for tat objective. While both sides of the conflict harbor resentment, we do not view these efforts as punishment for Palestinians, but rather new hope and opportunities not afforded to them before. There is no collective punishment at play here. Simply an effort to fix what can’t be put back together.

It costs too much money

The amount of funds needed per household in order to be able to start anew depends on where a new residence is established. Living costs and rents would be economical in any perspective location. The funding needs calculated are in the tens of billions. While this is a large number for the private sector, this is a very budget friendly number for enterprises, institutions, and affluent nations or countries.

Who are you?

Jona Project is a team of individuals with an aligned vision, attempting to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian and Israeli people. We are not affiliated with any organization or governing body and maintain our mission independent of other entities.

How do we know the funds are going to an actual refugee?

Many applicants will claim to be eligible that are not or may not actually complete the process to completion. Funds are only dispersed for flights, to new landlords upon signing of a lease, and once we can confirm a premise is occupied, the remaining funds are distributed to the designated family. All finances are recorded and available.

Is this a campaign led by Israel?

There is no secret agenda here. We are transparent about our mission statement and our motives.

Can Palestinian citizens of Israel also participate?

We are aware many Palestinian Israeli citizens have family from the disputed territories. While all are welcome to participate these individuals are not refugees, hence those who do not have Israeli citizenship and are from Gaza and West Bank will be prioritized on a first come first serve basis.